SCH Number 2003022139
Project Info
- Title
- North and South McCloud Annexation (McCloud Community Service District Sphere of Influence Amendment and Reorganization) (LAF-02-03)
- Description
- The McCloud Community Services District proposes a Sphere of Influence Amendment and Annexation of seven parcels, totaling 104.51 acres, into the District boundaries. The proposal would also involve a detachment from County Service Area No. 4. The annexation of these properties is intended to improve the provision of municipal services to the areas proposed for annexation and to reduce the number of existing out-of-district or agency service agreements. The project would facilitate development by providing municipal services (sewer and water) to a concurrently proposed Zone Change (Z-01-08) and Tentative Subdivision Map (TSM-01-01), that involves four adjacent parcels (referred to as "the Carpenter properties") along Haul Road, totaling 46.5 acres.
2 documents in project