SCH Number 2002122080

Project Info

Merryvale Winery
Request to construct a 69,800 square foot winery with an annual production of 360,000 gallons on a proposed 35-acre parcel. Project approvals include: 1) a Use Permit for the establishment of a winery and 2) Design Review of the proposed winery buldings and associated site improvements. A separate application (#01-158, Stanly Ranch Vineyards) is being concurrently processed which incorporates the following additional applications required for the establishment of this winery: 1) a General Plan Amendment to change the General Plan land use designation of this property from SA Study Area to RA, Resource Area; 2) a Rezoning of this property from P-C Planned Community to AR, Agriculture Resource; and 3) a Tentative Subdivision Map to create the subject 35.2-acre lot. Additional project details are contained in the applicant's attached Project Description.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Napa Merryvale Winery
City of Napa Merryvale Winery