SCH Number 2002101041

Project Info

West Kern Water District Telephone Hills Loop Upgrade Project
The applicant proposes to exclude the installation of the 17,400-foot, Phase II portion of a pipeline, from the original project. The project will now consist of the construction of a two-million gallon water tank at an existing water storage location, and the installation of a 9,258 foot water pipeline (Phase I pipeline). The project will result in impacts to the San Joaquin kit fox, giant kangaroo rat, and San Joaquin antelope squirrel which are protected under the California Endagered Species Act, which is required issuance of a California Incidental Take Permit. At this time, the California Department of Fish and Game is making a minor amendment to that Permit to 1) exclude Phase II from the Permit; 2) reduce the amount of security, capital endowment, and Habitat Management Land required to minimize and impacts to the species listed above to reflect the removal of the Phase II pipeline from the scope of the project construction.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
West Kern Water Agency Telephone Hills Loop Upgrade
West Kern Water Agency Telephone Hills Loop Upgrade
West Kern Water Agency West Kern Water District Telephone Hills Loop Upgrade Project
West Kern Water Agency West Kern Water District Telephone Hills Loop Upgrade Project
West Kern Water Agency West Kern Water District Telephone Hills Loop Upgrade Project