SCH Number 2002101020

Project Info

High School 5
IUSD proposes to construct a 1,000-student capacity K-8 school in District 5 of the Great Park Neighborhoods, as programed in the Certified EIR for the Great Park Neighborhoods. The proposed K-8 facilities would be comprised of an administration building, a multipurpose room/performing arts building, a gymnasium, daycare, and classroom buildings totaling 102,278 sq. ft., and the buildings would not be more than two stories high. No nighttime lighting would be provided for the turf athletic field and kindergarten play areas.
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24 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Irvine Addendum to Orange County Great Park EIR for Heritage Fields K-8 School No. 2
City of Irvine Addendum to Orange County Great Park EIR for Heritage Fields K-8 School No. 2
City of Irvine Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 2014-122 (File No. 00604519-PTP) and Master Plan 00604048-PMP in Development District 3 of Planning Area 51 (Great Park Neighborhoo
City of Irvine Park Design for the 688-acre Orange County Great Park Improvement Area (Case No. 00598938-PPD)
City of Irvine Master Plan in Development District 3 of Planning Area 51 (Great Park Neighborhoods); File No. 00604048-PMP
City of Irvine Orange County Great Park (OCGP) Master Plan Modification No. 2 (File No. 00598937-PMP)
City of Irvine Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 2014-122 in Development District 3 of Planning Area 51 (Great Park Neighborhoods); File No. 00604519-PTP
City of Irvine General Plan Amendment and Zone Change in Planning Areas 30 and 5th (Great Park Neighborhoods)
City of Irvine General Plan Amendment and Zone Change in Planning Areas 30 and 5th (Great Park Neighborhoods)
City of Irvine Heritage Fields 2012 - General Plan Amendment and Zone Change
City of Irvine High School 5
City of Irvine High School 5
City of Irvine Heritage Fields 2012 - General Plan Amendment and Zone Change
City of Irvine Heritage Fields 2012 - General Plan Amendment and Zone Change
City of Irvine Heritage Fields 2012 - General Plan Amendment and Zone Change
City of Irvine Heritage Fields 2012 - General Plan Amendment and Zone Change
City of Irvine Agreement Entitled "Amended and Restated Development Agreement between the Irvine Redevelopment Agency and Heritage Fields El Toro, LLC"
City of Irvine Addendum No. 5 to the Orange County Great Park EIR - General Plan Amendment 00470036-PGA, Zone Change 0047-0039-PZC, and Development Agreement Amendment 0047003
City of Irvine Addendum No. 5 to the Orange County Great Park EIR - General Plan Amendment 00470036-PGA, Zone Change 0047-0039-PZC, and Development Agreement Amendment 0047003
City of Irvine General Plan Amendment (File No. 00468566-PGA) and Zone Change (File No. 00468567-PZC)
City of Irvine Annexation; General Plan Amendment 47782-GA; Zone Change 47785-ZC; and Development Agreement for the Orange County Great Park/ Heritage Field Project
City of Irvine Orange County Great Park
City of Irvine Orange County Great Park
City of Irvine City of Irvine General Plan Amendment, Pre-zoning, Zone Change, and Annexation (File Nos: 47782-GA, 47785-ZC)