SCH Number 2002071004

Project Info

Weemes ES Playground Expansion
The project is an Administrative Permit and update to an existing Habitat Loss permit for an open space encroachment. The applicant proposes to remove undocumented fill from within an open space easement that was placed next to Harmony Grove Road during reclamation of an adjacent rock quarry. This area was identified as a safety concern during grading operations under L15661 and L15656. The subject area will be recompacted, certified by a soils engineer, and revegetated.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Los Angeles Unified School District Harmony Grove Road Open Space Encroachment, PDS2013-AD-13-017; PDS2012-HLP-12-001
Los Angeles Unified School District Weemes ES Playground Expansion
Los Angeles Unified School District Weemes ES Playground Expansion