SCH Number 2002061053

Project Info

Chino Creek Park
CDFG is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement (SAA# 1600-2009-0101-R6) pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant, the Inland Empire Utilities Agency, represented by Mr. Thomas A. Love. 6075 Kimball Avenue, City of Chino, State of California, 91710, Phone (909) 993-1762. The Applicant is proposing to do the following: 1) removal of any debris and sediment build-up, 2) removal of emergent vegetation, including bulrush and willow, and 3) and removal of invasive/non-native vegetation from the project area so that the flow rates of recycled water through the system are not impeded. A total of 22 acres of permanent impacts to jurisdictional streambed will result from the maintenance activities. However, all 22 acres of permanent impacts are on constructed wetlands which will be used to benefit the species that occupy the area surrounding the project site.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Inland Empire Utility Agency Chino Creek Wetlands and Educational Park Maintenance Project
Inland Empire Utility Agency Chino Creek Park
Inland Empire Utility Agency Chino Creek Park