SCH Number 2002041044
Project Info
- Title
- Buena Vista/Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Banking and Recovery Program
- Description
- The Buena Vista/Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Banking and Recovery Program involves the recharge, groundwater banking, and recovery of water by Buena Vista Water Storage District (BVWSD) within the service areas of BVWSD and Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District (RRBWSD). Approximately 80,000 AF of BVWSD Kern River wet year water and other acquired waters will be captured and recharged within the RRBWSD service area. These recharged waters will be banked along with groundwater previously recharged within the Kern River Fan Area by BVWSD. It is estimated that upwards of 20,000 AF/Yr of banked water may be recovered or withdrawn from the banking program in order to supply water demands. Water recovered under the program may be delivered to third party customers inside and outside of the basin and Kern County. The primary method of recovery/delivery will be via exchange of State Water Project (SWP) supplies that would otherwise have been delivered within BVWSD and RRBWSD for direct recharge or irrigation purposes. RRBWSD will construct three additional extraction wells in RRBWSD's west-side well field in order to make up any shortfall during SWP water shortage years. In BVWSD, pumping from landowner and BVWSD wells will be increased in order to offset SWP exchange deliveries and satisfy irrigation demands.
2 documents in project