SCH Number 2001109027
Project Info
- Title
- NCRSP Parcel 18C and HRNSP Parcel 20
- Description
- The applicant requests approval of General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, Rezone and Development Agreement Amendment to change the zoning and land use on Parcel 18C of the North Central Roseville Specific Plan (NCRSP) and Parcel 20 of the Highland Reserve North Specific Plan (HRNSP). The entitlements for NCRSP Parcel 18C would change from Low Density Residential at 4.4 units per acre (LDR-4.4) to Business Professional (BP). The applicant proposes to transfer the residential allocation of 116 units NCRSP Parcel 18C to HRNSP Parcel 20. With this transfer, the entitlements for Parcel 20 would change from Medium Density Residential at 7.95 units per acre (MDR-7.95) to High Density Residential at 18.3 units per acre (HDR-18.3).
2 documents in project