SCH Number 2001102035

Project Info

Scott-Noga Trustee Tree Removal
The applicant proposes a California Department of Forestry and Fire Production "Fire Hazard Trees within 150 feet of a Residence Exemption". The trees to be removed are located on APN 500-241-02, and are within 150 feet of a residence and garage located on APN 501-241-20. The applicant proposes to remove 9 young growth redwood and spruce trees and two (2) old growth redwood trees. Approximately 54 trees of a variety of species will remain on the property after the timber removal operations, including three (3) old growth redwood trees. No new roads or landing areas will be developed with the project; an existing skid road on the subject property and an existing log landing located on APN 500-231-07 will be used for the timber removal operation. The proposed project will generate approximately 16-20 truck loads of timber or approximately 50 thousand board feet. The timber operations will be limited to between the hours of 8:00 AM and 6:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and are expected to be completed within two weeks, weather permitting. There may be up to five (5) logging trucks entering and leaving the site any given day. The haul route used by the trucks will include Golf Course Road, Old Arcata Road, Bayside Cutoff and Highway 101. The slash from the proposed timber harvest is proposed to to be chipped or burned. Exposed areas of bare mineral soil will be covered by mulch or an equivalent material to prevent soil erosion. The subject parcel and neighboring properties are served with on-site sewage disposal and on-site water systems.
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Humboldt County Scott-Noga Trustee Tree Removal
Humboldt County Scott-Noga Trustee Tree Removal