SCH Number 2001021046
Project Info
- Title
- Gonya Grading Permit, L14000, Log No. 00-14-048
- Description
- The project proposes to grade and clear 6.35 acres on two adjacent parcels totaling 38.05 acres in preparation for one single family residence, a detached garage, a series of four wildlife ponds, a leach field and at least two equestrian riding areas. Other accessory structures may potentially be added within the identified disturbance areas. Final grading will include the cut and fill of 1750 cubic yards of soil, with none being exported from or imported to the site. Grading will result in a maximum of 8 foot cut slope at a 1 1/2:1 ratio and a maximum 5 foot fill slope at a 2:1 ratio. Mitigation for impacts to coastal sage scrub and non-native grassland vegetation shall include the on-site preservation of 4.70 acres of habitat within an open space easement dedicated to the County of San Diego.
2 documents in project