SCH Number 2000101099

Project Info

Level 3 Proposed Fiber Optic Line San Bernardino, California to Las Vegas Nevada
Level 3 proposes to construct and operate a fiber-optic network route. The total mileage for the proposed action in California is 159.4 miles and is wholly within existing utility, transportation, and railroad corriors. The project has been rerouted in the southern portion to avoid impacts to the Cajon Wash area. The project will result in impacts to desert tortoise and Mohave ground squirrel, which are protected under the California Endangered Species Act, requiring issuance of a California Incidental Take Permit ("Permit").
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Fish & Game #3 Long Haul Fiber Optic Network-San Bernardino, CA-NV State Line
Fish & Game #3 Level 3 Proposed Fiber Optic Line San Bernardino, California to Las Vegas Nevada