SCH Number 1999092038
Project Info
- Title
- Sugar Bowl Unit 3 (EIAQ - 3445) 32 Residential Lots
- Description
- General Plan Amendment from Placer County General Plan designations of Resorts & Recreation (REC) and Open Space (O) to Medium Density Residential (MDR-3,000-10,000 square feet min.), Low Density Residential (LDR-10,000 square feet-1 acre), and Open Space (O); Rezoning from Resort (RES), Residential-Forest, combining Development Reserve (RF_DR), and Open Space (O) to Open Space (O), RS-B-8 (Residential, Single-Family, combining building site of 8,000 square feet minimum) and the same underlying zoning with a combining building site size of 20,000 square feet minimun ;
2 documents in project