SCH Number 1997091051

Project Info

Parkside Estates EIR No. 97-2
The project is a residential development that includes widening and improvements to the north levee of the East Garden Grove-Wintersburg Flood Control Channel (construction of deep soil mix cement columns, a maintenance road and public trail, and a portion of a vegetated flood protection feature), the installation of an enlarged storm drain under the channel, and the placement of an outflow pipe into the channel, on lands under the jurisdiction of the California State Lands Commission. The State Lands Commission action is approval of two 20 yr leases: a General Lease - Protective Structure Use and a General Lease - Right of Way Use, through December 17, 2035.
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Huntington Beach Parkside Estates
City of Huntington Beach Parkside Estates
City of Huntington Beach Shea Homes Parkside Estates Subdivision Parks
City of Huntington Beach Parkside Estates EIR No. 97-2
City of Huntington Beach Parkside Estates EIR No. 97-2
City of Huntington Beach Shea Homes Parkside Estates Subdivision
City of Huntington Beach Shea Homes Parkside Estates Subdivision