University Corner Mixed Use Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of East Palo Alto
Document Title
University Corner Mixed Use Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project “University Corner” located at 2331 University Avenue in East Palo Alto, will construct a 47,594 square foot four-story mixed-use building with retail space and parking on the ground level and 33 residential dwelling units on the level above the ground floor. The proposal would combine 3 existing parcels into one 38,905 sf parcel. Two of these parcels are presently vacant and the third contains a small single-family residence and accessory building. The site is located on the northwest corner of University Avenue and Runnymede Street and is zoned MUC-2. The MUC-2 zone promotes mixed-use buildings with higher density floor area ratios (FAR) and height limits along arterial roads to encourage the redevelopment of arterial roadways in East Palo Alto. The proposed mixed-use building conforms to all of the zoning requirements for this zone. The ground floor includes 2,500 sf of retail space plus a residential entrance and lobby, totaling 5,159 sf of floor area. The retail use may consist of storefront retail or a small café. See NOE for full details.

Contact Information

Daniel Berumen
Agency Name
City of East Palo Alto Planning Division
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


East Palo Alto
San Mateo
Cross Streets
573 Runnymede St and 2331 University Ave, northwest corner of Runnymede and University Ave

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class: 32 Section: 15332
Reasons for Exemption
Finding 1: The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies, as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. Evidence: The General Plan identifies the site as “Mixed Use Corridor”. The site zoning is MUC-2, a mixed-use zone that promotes mixed use buildings with higher density, floor area ratios (FAR) and height limits along arterial roads to encourage the redevelopment of arterial roadways in the City. General Plan Goal LU-10 is to “transform University Avenue into a mixed-use corridor with a diversity of residential, mixed use and commercial development in a walkable urban fabric”. This zone allows 22 to 65 du per acre. The project proposes 33 units, or 37 du/acre based on the size of the site. The proposed FAR is 1.22, while the zoning allows a FAR up to 1.75. The type of development proposed represents the implementation of this zoning designation. See NOE for full details.
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