American River Watershed Common Features 2016– Geotechnical Borings
SCH Number
Public Agency
Central Valley Flood Protection Board
Document Title
American River Watershed Common Features 2016– Geotechnical Borings
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Central Valley Flood Protection Board will conduct exploratory soil sampling at planned levee improvement sites along the Sacramento River east levee as part of American River Watershed Common Features 2016. The purpose of the work is to inform the design of future levee improvements. Geotechnical borings will be conducted using a split spoon sampler with continuous samples on 2.5 feet centers to a target of elevation -160 feet. Samples will be collected and placed into laboratory provided sample jars. Drill holes will be backfilled with a bentonite slurry. Sampling is expected to occur in phases, with the first phase beginning in April 2020 and the second phase beginning in May 2020.
Contact Information
David Martasian
Agency Name
Central Valley Flood Protection Board
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
Central Valley Flood Protection Board
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Other Location Info
Approximately 60 locations along the Sacramento River east levee between the Sacramento-American River confluence and the Freeport Bridge. Most proposed borings are located on the levee crest, except for approximately 10 borings located on residential streets and parking lots and approximately 6 borings on private land in Freeport, California. The exact number and location of borings will be decided in the field based on site specific conditions. Aside from borings on the levee crest, approximately 10 borings in total will occur on public roadways as follows: 1 boring near Santa Buena Way near 6th Ave, 1 boring on Riverside Blvd near Sutterville Road, 2 borings near Piedmont Drive, 3 borings on Clipper Way west of Riverton Way, 1 boring on Portinao Circle, 1 boring on Country River Way, 1 boring near El Douro Drive, and 1 boring near El Vado Court.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The project consists of subsurface data collection and will not result in any significant impacts to the environment. Best Management Practices will be utilized to avoid impacts to the environment. There would be no in water work. Woody vegetation will not be affected. The work would not impact state or federally listed species. Pre-construction nesting bird surveys would be conducted prior to drilling activities, and a suitable construction-free buffer would be established around any active nest. A qualified archeological monitor would be present during all drilling activities. Borings would be backfilled upon completion and the sites would be restored to pre-project conditions.