Systemwide 2 Pipeline Replacement Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
San Bernardino Municipal Water Department
Document Title
Systemwide 2 Pipeline Replacement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed improvements consist of replacements and upgrades to existing aging water infrastructure. The project consists of the construction of approximately 750 linear feet of 20" diameter ductile iron pipe, 4,612 linear feet of 12" ductile iron pipe, 13 linear feet of 10" ductile iron pipe, and 5,990 linear feet of 8" ductile iron pipe, as well as renewals and reconnection of existing water services and all associated appurtenances.
Contact Information
Miguel J . Guerrero
Agency Name
San Bernardino Municipal Water Department
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
San Bernardino Municipal Water Department
Contact Types
Project Applicant
San Bernardino
San Bernardino
Other Location Info
• Waterman Avenue between 6th Street & 7th Street
• Highland Avenue between "G" street & "E" Street
• Rialto Avenue between "K" Street & Mount Vernon Avenue
• "K" Street between Rialto Avenue & 2nd Street
• Fremontia Street between 23rd Street & 26th Street
• 23rd Street between Fremontia Street & Valencia Avenue
• Numerous mains along south side of 210 freeway from "G" Street to Pepper Tree Lane
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed improvements consist of replacements and upgrades to existing aging water infrastructure. All improvements will be contained within existing City streets and will not result in expansion of the service area population.