Central Coast Water Authority and Mojave Water Agency 2020 Short Term Water Exchange Program
SCH Number
Public Agency
Central Coast Water Authority
Document Title
Central Coast Water Authority and Mojave Water Agency 2020 Short Term Water Exchange Program
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Due to drought conditions and low SWP "Table A" allocation for 2020, CCWA currently needs water to supplement its 2020 supplies. The CCWA and MWA 2020 Short Term Water Exchange Program (Exchange) provides for a four-to-one (4:1) exchange of SWP water. In 2020, CCWA will purchase one thousand (1,000) acre-feet of MWA's Table A SWP supply. CCWA will pay MWA $320 per acre-foot. The purchased water will be delivered by DWR to CCWA pursuant to the SWP Contract. In exchange, on or before December 31, 2030, CCWA will return two hundred and fifty (250) acre-feet to MWA (one (1) acre-foot for every four (4) acre-feet of Table A SWP water delivered to CCWA in 2020). The return water will be delivered by DWR to MWA pursuant to the MWA SWP contract.
Contact Information
Ray Stokes
Agency Name
Central Coast Water Authority
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
Central Coast Water Autho
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara
Other Location Info
Existing State Water Project (SWP) facilities to existing turnouts in Santa Barbara and San Bernardino Counties. The SWP includes facilities located throughout the State of California. The SWP is owned and operated by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), headquartered in Sacramento, California. Santa Barbara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (Santa Barbara or SBCFCWCD) contracts with DWR for the delivery of SWP water to Santa Barbara County (Santa Barbara SWP Contract). The Central Coast Water Authority (CCWA) has assumed responsibility for Santa Barbara's SWP contract. CCWA is headquartered in Santa Barbara County and CCWA's service area is located in Santa Barbara County. The Mojave Water Agency (MWA) contracts with DWR for the delivery of SWP water to San Bernardino County. MWA is headquartered in San Bernardino County and MWA's service area is in San Bernardino County.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, 15061, 15378
Reasons for Exemption
a. The Exchange is not a project under CEQA (Pub. Res. Code§ 21065; 14 Cal. Code Regs. §§15061 (b)(3), 15378) because the Exchange will not result in direct or indirect changes to the environment. The Santa Barbara and MWA SWP contracts include provisions for delivery within the SWP place of use. Accordingly, the Exchange is simply a change in water management operations using existing facilities.
b. The Exchange will facilitate the delivery of SWP water from one SWP contractor to another, using only existing facilities in Santa Barbara and San Bernardino Counties and is intended to meet existing uses of water and would not support new development or a change in land use. ( 14 Cal. Code Regs. §§
15061(b)(3), 15301.)
c. The Exchange is entirely with· the authorized SWP place of use.