Substantial Conformance Determination for a Minor Modification to the Approved Freeway Business Center Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Joint Powers Authority
Document Title
Substantial Conformance Determination for a Minor Modification to the Approved Freeway Business Center Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The previously approved Plot Plan 14-02 is an industrial 1 warehouse, speculative development. The Project will be developed on a 39.4 acre site, consisting of a single industrial warehouse building, approximately 709,083 square feet in size. The industrial warehouse building includes 694,083 square feet of warehouse space, 12,000 square feet of ground floor office space and 3,000 square feet of mezzanine office space. To accommodate potential tenants, the Applicant has proposed adding an additional 10,000 square feet of office area, reducing the warehouse area by the same square footage. The warehouse space will now total 684,083 square feet and the new office area square footage will total 25,000 square feet (22,000 square feet of ground floor office space and 3,000 square feet of mezzanine office space).
Contact Information
Jeffrey M. Smith
Agency Name
March Joint Powers Authority
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
CHI/ Freeway Business Center, LLC
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Cross Streets
Southwest corner of Alessandro Boulevard and Old 215 Frontage Road
State Highways
Interstate 215
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
Under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061, Review for Exemption, (b) A Project is exempt from CEQA if, (3), "The activity is covered by the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects, which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA." The proposed Project of adding 10,000 square feet of office area. The additional office area square footage does not have the potential for causing any new significant effect to the environment which was not previously analyzed in the Draft Environmental for Plot Plan 14-02. The Planning Director finds the proposed 10,000 square feet of additional office area is not a significant alteration to the previously approved Plot Plan 14-02. Pursuant to CEQA, staff will file a Notice of Exemption with the Riverside County Clerk's Office.