Buttinger Commercial Cannabis Permit
SCH Number
Public Agency
Nevada County
Document Title
Buttinger Commercial Cannabis Permit
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
A Commercial Cannabis Permit for the commercial cultivation of medical cannabis located at 20805 Hickman Pass Road in Grass Valley. The project is located on a rural, 9.9-acre parcel in an Agricultural zoning district. This approval is for 1, 181 square feet of canopy for in-door cultivation located inside of an existing structure, and 662 square feet of support area used for drying, immature plant area and processing located in the same structure. The site is accessed by an existing driveway that is used to access the current residence and residential accessory structures. The site is served by an existing well for water and an existing septic system for sewage disposal. Full-time tasks on site will be performed by the resident of the parcel, two full time employees and up to two temporary employees. The cannabis support structure will have indoor utilities and noise producing equipment but will remain below allowable decibel standards. The structure utilized for both cultivation and support area is previously existing and will not require vegetation removal. The site will have an exterior security light that will be downward facing and fully shielded. The lighting will be located on the exterior of the support and cultivation building. The project site is an existing cultivation site with no suitable habitat for special-status species and no
waterways. The project site is located in an area that is already disturbed and proposes no new areas of disturbance and no vegetation removal. Despite the use of employees, excess vehicle trips are expected to be minimal. A Notice of Applicability, and the Monitoring and Reporting Program were obtained by the applicant from the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. An annual cultivation license from the California Department of Food and Agriculture shall be obtained prior to the County Annual Cannabis Permit being issued.
Contact Information
Lucas Kannall
Agency Name
Nevada County Planning Department
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Grass Valley
Cross Streets
20805 Hickman Pass Road,
Parcel #
027-0 10-027
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, Class 1
Reasons for Exemption
The project involves the use of developed site for commercial cannabis cultivation for medicinal purposes. The project is allowed by the zoning code and does not conflict with Land Use Policies. The Project does not create any significant impacts to biological resources including sensitive habitats or any species of concern. The project area is outside of any identified and protected resources and the required setbacks. Prime Farmlands and/or Farmlands of Statewide Importance have been avoided. Dust control measures are included in the project description/site plans and air quality standards will not be impacted. A lighting control plan has been submitted ensuring lighting will not impact neighboring properties. The commercial cannabis areas are appropriately screened from public views. The project does not create impacts to roadways or require significant roadway improvements. The project has an approved water, wastewater disposal and permanent electrical source. The project will not create a significant demand on these service systems. A hazardous materials business plan has been completed and meets Fire Department and Environmental Health requirements for storage and use. Cultural and Tribal resources will be avoided as evidenced by a cultural report and/or NCIC sensitivity letter. The project will not impact watercourses or wetlands by meeting setbacks from watercourses and/or including site specific controls to ensure watercourses are protected. Odor from the project has been mitigated due to indoor cultivation with odor control and meeting setbacks required by the ordinance for outdoor cultivation.