Del Norte County Fairgrounds Easement for CVS Pharmacy No. 10478 Overflow Storm Drain
SCH Number
Public Agency
41st District Agricultural Association, Del Norte County Fairgrounds Recreation and Park
(41st DAA)
Document Title
Del Norte County Fairgrounds Easement for CVS Pharmacy No. 10478 Overflow Storm Drain
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The State (41 st DAA) proposes to grant an easement across Del Norte County Fairgrounds for CVS Pharmacy No. 10478 for installation of a new overflow storm drain pipeline. The easement runs from East Cooper Avenue to the northeast edge of the fairgrounds. Project construction includes excavation for a trench about 600 feet long, installation of a 24-inch storm drain, and restoring to pre-construction conditions. A headwall with graded outlet is proposed at the west end of the pipe. Two sleet pipe inlets will be connected side-by-side at the western end of the storm drain. The project includes environmental design features to minimize construction related impacts, such as compliance with requirements of the General Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Linear Underground Project, Best Management Practices for controlling fugitive dust, pre-construction nesting bird survey during the bird-nesting period (February 1 through August 15), procedures for inadvertent discoveries of human remains and cultural resources, and where subsurface soil testing confirms impacted soil, a Soil Management Plan that describes proper handling and disposal of impacted soil within or adjacent to the pipeline alignment. The project will correct a drainage problem by conveying overflow storm water across the fairgrounds property.
Contact Information
Daniel O'Brien
Agency Name
41st District Agricultural Association
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
Patricia Ely
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Crescent City
Del Norte
Cross Streets
400 U.S. Highway 101 North
Parcel #
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, 15304
Reasons for Exemption
After assessing potential environmental impacts and evaluating the description for the various classes of exemptions to CEQA, the State has determined that the project fits within one or more of the following exemption classes: 15282 (k), 15301 (b) and/or 15304(f) and that no exceptions exist at the project site that would preclude the use of these exemptions. The State considered the possibility of (a) sensitive location, (b) cumulative impact, (c) significant impact due to unusual circumstances, (d) impacts to scenic highways, (e) activities within a hazardous waste site, and (f) significant adverse change to the significance of a historical resource.
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The installation of new pipeline less than one mile in length.