Sagehen Forest Project - pushing the larger landscape into resiliency through fire (SNC 1056)

1 Documents in Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Document Title
Sagehen Forest Project - pushing the larger landscape into resiliency through fire (SNC 1056)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) would provide $1,000,000 in funding to the UC Regents - UC Berkeley - Sagehen Creek Field Station for broadcast burning and pile burning on 1,100 to 4,906 acres of lands in the Tahoe National Forest. These prescribed burning treatments will increase water resources for the ecosystem and downstream water users and enhance key reproductive and foraging habitat for wildlife. Restructuring the forest through low-intensity landscape !eve! burning benefits wildlife and human communities and increases forest resiliency and resistance to destructive wildfire, climate change, and disease and insect infestation.

Contact Information

Shannon Ciotti
Agency Name
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Agency Name
UC Regents - UC Berkeley - Sagehen Creek Field Station
Contact Types
Project Applicant


Loyalton, Truckee
Nevada, Sierra
Other Location Info
The project is located in Sierra and Nevada Counties; in the Tahoe National Forest and centered at approximately 39° 27'53.75"N and 120°15123.1911W.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
CEQA does not apply to prescribed fire, thinning, or fuel reduction projects undertaken on federal lands to reduce the risk of high-severity wildfire that have been reviewed under the federal NEPA if the primary role of a state or local agency is providing funding or staffing for those projects. SNC would provide funding to treat 1,100 to 4,906 acres of forest through broadcast and pile burning on federal land in the Tahoe National Forest. The project activities in these areas have been analyzed by the U.S. Forest Service, including surveys and analysis of biological resources and cultural and archaeological resources. Those evaluations found that the project would not result in a significant adverse effect. NEPA Environmental Assessents and a Categorical Exclusion were prepared for various elements of the project.
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