Oak Road Bikeway
SCH Number
Public Agency
Contra Costa County
Document Title
Oak Road Bikeway
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The purpose of this project is to improve bicyclist safety along the 2,040-foot segment of Oak Road as currently there are no existing bicycle facilities. This project is within bounds of the Contra Costa Centre Transit Village, which Is clustered around the Pleasant Hill BART station and is characterized by mixed commercial, office, and residential development. This road experiences high volume of vehicular traffic during commuting hours, and the lack of bicycle infrastructure poses as a deterrent for non-vehicular modes of travel.
The project will stripe Class II bicycle lanes and.place shared roadway markings (sharrows) to designate Class Ill bike routes within the existing roadway. Class II bike lanes will be striped where adequate roadway width is available. Vehicle lane widths will be narrowed to 11 feet as needed to accommodate the new Class II bike lanes, and Class Ill sharrows will be used in places where there is insufficient width assuming existing on-street parking will remain. Upon completion of a detailed survey, the option to use buffered bike lanes will be considered to enhance bicyclist safely. Additionally, appropriate signage will be installed to designate proposed bike routes. This project will be coordinated with the City of Pleasant Hill for the segment between the 1-680 on ramp and Oak Park Boulevard, which is within the City. Should an agreement not be obtained, construction will only occur within the unincorporated Walnut Creek segment between Treat Boulevard and the 1-680 on ramp.
In general, the construction process for bicycle lanes will consist of removing existing striping as needed, slurry sealing the roadway to prepare the surface for new striping, striping Class II bicycle lanes and Class Ill sharrows, narrowing lane widths in spot locations as needed, installing bicycle lane and bicycle route roadside signs.
The project design will maintain existing roadway drainage and v,11 not create new impervious areas. No right-of-way acquisition is expected, and any private encroachments within our right-of-way will not be moved, No tree removal will be necessary. Tree and shrubbery trimming may be necessary throughout the project area. Appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be
implemented to protect storm drain inlets. Utility adjustments or relocation may be necessary in support of the project. One lane will be open during construction activities. Emergency vehicles will have access at all times. General Plan Conformance will be obtained from the City of Pleasant Hill if the project will be constructed within the city limits.
Contact Information
Sandeep Sign
Agency Name
Public Works Dept.
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Walnut Creek
Contra Costa
Cross Streets
Oak Road between Oak Park Blvd and Treat Blvd
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The project consists of minor alterations of existing public facilities including existing streets, involving, negligible expansion of use beyond what is previous existing, pursuant to Section 15301(c) of the CEQA guidelines.