West Hills-Ukiah Shaded Fuel Break
SCH Number
Public Agency
Mendocino County
Document Title
West Hills-Ukiah Shaded Fuel Break
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project consists of maintenance, widening and the expansion of the existing fuel break along the western hills of the Ukiah Valley for the purpose of wildfire control. The proposed shaded fuel break project is located in a High Fire Severity Zone, and is intended to improve the fire safety of the western residential neighborhoods of both the City of Ukiah as well as the neighborhoods located within the unincorporated areas adjacent to the City of Ukiah. The project area is approximately 20.5 acres in size, and the shaded fuel break will be approximately 8.5 miles in length from north to south.
Contact Information
Ignacio Gonzalez
Agency Name
Mendocino County Executive Office
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
Location Specific:
The Western Hills Fuel Break is located along the west side of the Ukiah Valley at the northwest end of Mendocino College, running southerly along the base of the western hills through both private and public properties, south through the City of Ukiah (this exemption excludes the City of Ukiah) and down to State Highway 253; with properties being situated within Township: Multiple, Section: Multiple, and Range: Multiple.
NOTE: See NOE for full details.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 15304, Class 4(i)
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project would not have a significant effect on the environment as it is anticipated that no trees will be removed, as all work would be performed in areas previously disturbed, and in those areas that will include the expanded fuel break beyond the previously disturbed sites, no work would be performed in any creek, stream, or other sensitive environmental habitat. The California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) was searched and no rare, threatened or endangered plant or animal species were identified that will be negatively impacted by this project. Specifically, Section 15304(i) provides for fuel management activities within 30 feet of structures to reduce the volume of flammable vegetation, provided that the activities will not result in the taking of endangered, rare, threatened plant or animal species or significant erosion and sedimentation of surface waters. A Notice of Exemption (NOE) was previously filed by CAL FIRE for a portion of the area on April 23, 2015.
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