200 S Taaffe Street - File Number 2020-7262 (Covered by the DSP EIR)
11 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
City of Sunnyvale
Document Title
200 S Taaffe Street - File Number 2020-7262 (Covered by the DSP EIR)
Document Type
NOD - Notice of Determination
Present Land Use
DSP/18 (Downtown Specific Plan/ DSP Block 18) - 201 (Shopping Center)
Document Description
NOD for Approving a Special Development Permit for a new 12 story (142' tall) mixed use building with 479 dwelling units and approximately 30,000 square feet of ground floor commercial space and two levels of underground parking and Vesting Tentative Map for commercial condominium spaces. The proposed project is consistent with the City's adopted Development Agreement (Ordinance No. 3164-20) between City of Sunnyvale and STC Venture LLC and related entities ("Cityline") and this project was evaluated in the Sunnyvale Downtown Specific Plan EIR. STC File No. 2020-7182.
Contact Information
Michelle King
Agency Name
City of Sunnyvale
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
STC Venture, LLC, and Related Entities ("Cityline")
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Santa Clara
Citywide, Countywide
Cross Streets
W Washington Ave., Murphy Ave., McKinley Ave.
Total Acres
Parcel #
Other Location Info
200 S Taaffe Street (w/in Block 18), Sunnyvale, Santa Clara County -The proposed project is located on Subblock 3 which is a part of Block 18 of the DSP. Block 18 includes the area between Mathilda Avenue, Sunnyvale Avenue, Washington Avenue and McKinley including existing office, retail and residential buildings.
Subblock 3 of the CityLine project is currently developed with the former Macy’s building to the north, and Redwood Square and a small parking lot to the south.
Other Information
The proposed project includes the redevelopment of the southern part of the block with a 12-story mixed-use building comprised of two structures, Building 1 (West Tower on Taaffe Street) and Building 2 (East Tower on Murphy Avenue). The ground floor would be comprised of approximately 30,000 square feet of restaurant and retail space facing Murphy Avenue, McKinley Avenue and Redwood Square. Residential access and amenity space would face Taaffe Street. The remaining upper floors would contain 479 residential units, and open space and amenities for future residents. Two levels of parking would be located beneath the building and would contain 470 parking spaces and other residential amenities. The project also includes improvements to the right-of-way (Murphy Avenue, McKinley Avenue, and Taaffe Street) and Redwood Square.
A new private road would be added at the northern extent of the proposed building and would be used to access the underground parking lots for the subject site and proposed project on the northern portion of Subblock 3.
Notice of Determination
Approving Agency
City of Sunnyvale
Approving Agency Role
Lead Agency
Approved On
(1) The project will have a significant impact on the environment
(2a) An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2b) A Mitigated or a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2c) An other document type was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(3) Mitigated measures were made a condition of the approval of the project
(4) A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was adopted for this project
(5) A Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for this project
(6) Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA