Antelope Creek Fish Passage Improvement Project Geotechnical Investigation


SCH Number
Public Agency
Resource Conservation District of Tehama County (RCD-TC)
Document Title
Antelope Creek Fish Passage Improvement Project Geotechnical Investigation
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed action is necessary to develop recommendations related to the design criteria for new fish screen and a retrofit to existing diversion dam. Results of the proposed action will include written recommendations for foundation support, retaining wall design, pipe trenching and backfill and other construction activities related to constructing the new fish screen, concrete headwall structures and siphon pipeline. It is anticipated that the proposed action will require construction of approx 4-6 boreholes, 10-40 ft deep using a truck mounted drill rig with a 6-8 in diameter hollow stem auger bit and/or a coring bit, depending on site conditions. The auger and sampling tube within it will be driven into the ground using a weighted dead-fall type hammer to collect subsurface geologic materials. The approx locations in which the borehole excavation locations include a 20-ft wide buffer from the dripline of existing elderberry adn oak trees within the project area. Borehole excavations will be completed by Dec 31, 2017. Once drilled, the boreholes will be filled with either grout or the original excavated cuttings. If the boreholes are filled with grout, the cuttings will be transported offsite. Once filled, the boreholes will be smooth graded to the original grade.

Contact Information

Jon Barrett
Agency Name
Resource Conservation District of Tehama County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Antelope Creek
Other Location Info
Near the Edwards Diversion Dam at approx. River Mile 9.0, upstream of the confluence with the Sacramento River

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed geotechnical investigation meets the criteria of a class 6 exemption and relates to a future construction project that has not yet been approved by RCD of Tehama County. Due to the nature and shallow depth of the proposed geotechnical investigation, no significant impacts to either surface or subsurface resources are anticipated.

Disclaimer: The document was originally posted before CEQAnet had the capability to host attachments for the public. To obtain the original attachments for this document, please contact the lead agency at the contact information listed above.

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