Operation of the San Bernardino County Service Area 64 Well 7
SCH Number
Public Agency
State Water Resources Control Board
Document Title
Operation of the San Bernardino County Service Area 64 Well 7
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The SWRCB as the lead agency will be issuing a water supply permit. San Bernardino County started construction for the project in July 2015. Well 4, a 1,639 gallon per minute, 400-ft well was replaced with well 7, a 1,800 gallon per minute, 368-ft deep well. As part of the project a 48-ft, 8-ft tall building was built to house the chlorination system A 4-ft high by 1.5 wide tablet chlorinator, that produces chlorine through the dissolving of tablets, was placed in the building. 125 ft of 1-2 in piping was laid to connect the water to the chlorinator. 16 ft of 1-in diameter piping was also installed to connect the chlorine to the water system piping through a chlorine injection quill. A 115.5 ft long 2-in diameter chlorine source water line was installed (to connect the chlorine system to the new pebble beach line). In addition to the well and chlorination system, two distribution lines were added; a 16-in diameter 142.2 ft long line to Pebble Beach tank and a 12-in diameter 122.7 ft line to the Santa Fe Tanks. A waste discharge line, consisting of a combined 12-in diameter 137.25 ft line and an 8-in diameter 240.7-ft line, was connected to an existing storm drain. Other lines that were laid included; a 3-in wide 515 ft chlorine drain line, a .25 in wide 35 ft long sample line; an 8-in wide 240 ft pipe, (as part of the blow-off valve) and a combined 12-in wide 13.6 ft pipe and 10-in wide 22.4 ft pipe, (to connect the well to the main distribution line). The 48,340 ft site is surrounded by an existing 7-ft fence that connects to an existing wall within the site. The project was completed on August 1, 2017. The project will provide for the operation of these facilities.
Contact Information
Eric Zuniga
Agency Name
State Water Resources Control Board
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Bernardino
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
This project consists of the operation of existing public structures involving no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination.
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