Cloverdale Road Gully Repair


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW)
Document Title
Cloverdale Road Gully Repair
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project entails stabilizing a large gully threatening the road and bridge infrastructure and correcting storm drainage flows forming the gully. A 42-inch diameter 400 linear-foot culvert will be installed through the gully to convey storm runoff to Butano Creek and will incorporate a concrete headwall, two concrete headwall, two concrete junction boxes with steel grates and rock energy dissipater at the outlet. The gully will be recontoured and stabilized by placement of approximately 985 cubic yard of fill to achieve a stable 3.1 or flatter slope. Rock will be placed in the lower portion of the gully and will be planted with willow, alder and other native vegetation. A sediment basin will be installed and will be approximately 0.25 acre excavated to one-foot depth. SAA#1600-2016-0320-R3.

Contact Information

Suzanne DeLeon
Agency Name
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


San Mateo
Other Location Info
Town of Pescadero

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, 15304 - Class 1 & 4
Reasons for Exemption
Project entails repairing the stormwater drainage system and filling in a gully to prevent large amount of sediment into the creek.

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