Exchange of SWP Water - AVEK Water Agency & Santa Clara Valley WD: 10,000 AF
SCH Number
Public Agency
Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency
Document Title
Exchange of SWP Water - AVEK Water Agency & Santa Clara Valley WD: 10,000 AF
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
AVEK, as a special district and SWC will transfer up to 10,000 af of SWP water in an unbalanced 2:1 exchange, to Santa Clara Valley Water District in meeting critical supply needs of SCVWD. 5,000 AF of return SWP water by AVEK will be within 10 years.
Contact Information
Tom Barnes
Agency Name
Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Kern, Los Angeles, Santa Clara
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
It involves the use of existing publicly owned water facilities within the boundaries of AVEK and SCVWD. The water transfer involves imported water from the Calif. Aqueduct that would otherwise be consumed or stored by AVEK. The transfer will not change the quantity or qualify of water delivered through the Calif. Aqueduct.
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