Highlands Community Wildfire Risk Reduction Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Document Title
Highlands Community Wildfire Risk Reduction Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project takes place on undeveloped wildland that completely surrounds the Highlands community of San Mateo County; this property is owned and managed as open space by the Highlands Recreation District (HRD). The Highlands is a community of over 800 hours and approximately 2500 residents in unincorporated San Mateo County. The high population in the area combined with an adjacent freeway and arterial roads present ample opportunity for ignitions, and as a result, significant wildfire risk. One of the goals of the proposed project is to mitigate the threat of wildfire to habitable structures by utilizing Cal Fire hand crews to create an approximate 100' shaded fuel break and reduced fuel buffer zone between HRD managed open space and a residential community with very high historical and assessed value. HRD owned open space totals 40 acres directly contiguous to 120 residential properties, and adjacent to nearly 700 additional properties within the district boundaries. The proposed shaded fuel break would provide vegetation treatment and wildfire fuel reduction on approximately 22 acres of oak woodland, chaparral, and grasslands. The treatment will utilize hand crews to remove small diameter, suppressed trees, 50-70% of the brush species and dead/downed woody debris. Cut material will be chipped on-site and/or lopped-and-scattered. Riparian areas and wet areas associated with seeps and springs will be excluded from project activities.
Contact Information
Andrew Hubbs
Agency Name
Cal Fire
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Mateo
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
S:15304 C:4
Reasons for Exemption
The work proposed is a minor alteration to vegetation which does not involve removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees and is consistent with Categorical Exemption Class 4 - Minor Alterations to Land. No activity is proposed that is listed as limitation under CCR 15300.2(a-f).
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