Air Force Plant 42, Site 5 Installation Restoration Program (IRP), Proposed Plan (PP)/Draft Feasibilility Study (FS)


SCH Number
Public Agency
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Air Force Plant 42, Site 5 Installation Restoration Program (IRP), Proposed Plan (PP)/Draft Feasibilility Study (FS)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project involves the approval of a Proposed Plan (PP)/Draft Feasibility Study (FS) by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) pursuant to authority granted under California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.8 as submitted July 1, 2011 by CH2MHill. The PP/FS was prepared in accordance with Health and Safety Code sections 25323.1 and 25356.1 (h). The PP/FS summarizes and evaluated five alternative including the preferred site-specific remedial action alternative for Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Site 5. The remedy selected to address the contamination at at Site 5 is Alternative 2, institutional Controls. Based on the risk assessment, restriction will be to industrial cleanup levels for soil. No residential use development of the land will occur without further DTSC evaluation and management of possible future exposure. These restrictions would also prevent excavation without DTSC approval. Normal surface use of site for industrial workers would not be limited. Alternative 2 meets the Remedial Action Objectives and provides protection of human health and long-term effectiveness of the remedy.

Contact Information

Anantaramam Peddada
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Los Angeles, Los Angeles, City of
Los Angeles

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
No Possibility of a significant effect on the environment.

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