Meister Way Sanitary Sewer Connection
SCH Number
Public Agency
Sacramento County
Document Title
Meister Way Sanitary Sewer Connection
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project consists of the installation of approximately 4,200 linear feet of 18-inch and 15-inch diameter sewer pipe and 13 new manholes, spaced at intervals of approximately 360-400 feet. The pipeline will follow an alignment roughly between the centerline and the southerly edge of Meister Way and then proceed southward within the right-of-way of Power Line Road in an alignment approximately ten feet west of the roadway edge of Power Line Road and then connect to the existing sewer line stub that extends westward under Power Line Road from the adjacent Metro Air Park. The pipeline will be installed 12 to 18 feet below the existing ground elevation. It will be installed with shored, open excavation, with the trench approximately four feet wide at the bottom and eight feet wide at the top (at grade).
Contact Information
Joyce Horizumi
Agency Name
Sacramento County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The project consists of a sewer pipeline less than one mile in length within Meiser Way and within the right-of-way of Poewrline Road, and the project does not include any surface facilities; therefore, the project si statutorily exempt from the provisions of CEQA.
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