Project No. R2007-00800 / RENV 200900003
SCH Number
Lead Agency
Los Angeles County
Document Title
Project No. R2007-00800 / RENV 200900003
Document Type
NEG - Negative Declaration
Present Land Use
Vacant Parcel/A-2-2 (Heavy Agriculture-2 acre minimum lot size) Zone/Non-Urban 1 (N1)-up to .5 dwelling units per acre
Document Description
The applicant, Antelope Valley Korean Prebyterian Church, is requesting approval to construct and operate a church facility in the A-2-2 (Heavy Agriculture-2 acre minimum lot size) zone. The proposed facility consists of a main worship hall (3,534 sf), a building with a multi-purpose room, classrooms and a kitchen (3,015 sf), a building for classrooms (1,440 sf), a recreational building (5,070 sf), a rectory residence (1,251 sf) and a caretaker's residence (1,251 sf). The total project site size is 102,333 sf. The development includes a gravel parking lot with 88 parking spaces (4 handicapped and 84 standard stalls). The parking lot will include 1,972 sf of landscaping, which covers about 6% of the entire project site. The remainder of the site will include 16,245 sf of landscaping, which covers about 15.9% of the entire project site. On the west end of the property the applicant proposes a 3'2" high wall separating 11th St. West and the parking lot. The site plan depicts two 26 ft wide driveways accessing the property from 11th St West. This project is subject to the County's adopted green building, drought tolerant landscaping and low impact development requirements. The primary access road, 11th St West require road improvements during this process, because this road segment is classified as a private street.
Contact Information
Rob Glaser
Agency Name
Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Los Angeles
Cross Streets
Vacant Parcel on 1tth St West between Avenue O-8 and Avenue O-4
Parcel #
State Highways
SR 14
Us Air Force Plant 42 Palmdale
Other Location Info
Nearest Community: El Dorado, White Fence Farms
Notice of Completion
State Review Period Start
State Review Period End
State Reviewing Agencies
California Department of Conservation (DOC), California Department of Fish and Wildlife, South Coast Region 5 (CDFW), California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Transportation, District 7 (DOT), California Highway Patrol, California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Victorville Region 6 (RWQCB), Caltrans, Division of Aeronautics, Department of Toxic Substances Control, Department of Water Resources, Resources Agency
Development Types
Residential (Units 0, Acres 2.36), Other (church facility)
Local Actions
Use Permit
Project Issues
Drainage/Absorption, Hydrology/Water Quality, Septic System, Transportation
Disclaimer: The document was originally posted before CEQAnet had the capability to host attachments for the public. To obtain the original attachments for this document, please contact the lead agency at the contact information listed above.