Digger Butte fire Lookout Station - Tower Relocation/Surplus Property Disposal


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)
Document Title
Digger Butte fire Lookout Station - Tower Relocation/Surplus Property Disposal
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The lookout tower and cab at the Digger Butte Fire Lookout Station will be dismantled, relocated, and rebuilt at the CalFire Davis mobile Equipment Facility in Davis, CA. the rehabilitated lookout tower will be relocated at the south end of the lawn are in the middle of the Davis Mobile Equipment Facility to preserve the lookout for its historical and public educational values. The dismantling and transport to Davis is likely to occur in 2009-2010. The rehabilitation and re-build of the tower and cab at the new site will be done over time, as funds are available, but shall be completed within 5 years following it relocation to Davis. Digger Butte Fire Lookout Station has been closed since 1991. The buildings are deteriorating from natural weathering and vandalism. A plan to transfer this property back to Lassen National Forest (LNF) where the lookout would be rehabilitated on- site failed when the LNF refused to accept the property transfer they had previously had agreed to (this is an isolated 40-acre parcel, below and outside of the main LNF lands, which would be difficult for LNF to manage). The associated vehicle garage and redwood water tank and wooden shed will be removed from the property as well during the lookout removal and the 4-acre parcel of State land will be declared surplus and sold.

Contact Information

Mike Duggan
Agency Name
Cal Fire
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Tehama, Yolo

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1,12; Sec 15301,-12
Reasons for Exemption
The Digger Butte lookout tower, built in 1936, is recorded as a significant resource. Its protection and management is specified in a statewide Management Plan for CalFire's historic buildings which was adopted following certification of an Environmental Impact Report (SCH #1999021015). Although that Plan/EIR indicated the lookout was to be preserved through its transfer to LNF, this revised plan to relocated and restore it is at Davis-carries-out the intent which is to preserve the lookout for its historical/interpretive values. The new site for the tower is on an existing landscaped facility. CalFire has determined that no environmental impacts will occur during the dismantling of the buildings at Digger Butte, the transport of the tower and cab to Davis, or its reconstruction and use at the new site. The surplus property disposal is covered under Class 12 of the Categorical Exemptions to CEQA.

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