IT Environmental Liquidating Trust, Montezuma Hills Facility -PostClosure Permit Renewal


SCH Number
Public Agency
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
IT Environmental Liquidating Trust, Montezuma Hills Facility -PostClosure Permit Renewal
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This project consists of renewing the Montezuma Hills (Facility) Postclosure Permit. No physical changes to the site are proposed. The Facility consists of 1) a closed - covered Waste Consolidation Area (WCA), 2) a Groundwater Evaporation Basin and conveyance system, 3) and a former Waste Excavation Area. IT Environmental Liquidating Trust (ITELT) is the current owner. On January 31, 1998, Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) issued a Postclosure Permit for the facility which expires ten years from the date of issuance. Under the conditions of the Postclosure Permit for the state and federal regulations require that a postclosure plan for a 30-year period be developed and implemented by the facility. The renewed Postclosure Permit outlines the procedure to fulfill these regulatory requirements which consist of three primary functions: a) continue maintenance of the closure cover. b) continue environmental monitoring; and c) continue maintenance of financial mechanisms to fund the postclosure activities.

Contact Information

Peter Bailey
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency



Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Section 15061(b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
This project consists of renewing the Facility's Postclosure Permit. With the exception of periodic cover inspections and minor repairs of cover for drainage, no physical changes to the site are proposed. Control measures that will limit environmental effects to insignificant levels include the following: " Closure Construction was certified by a registered civil engineer and later acknowledged closed by DTSC on March 18, 1992. " Future land use of the Facility is restricted as detailed in the property deed and recorded with the Solano County recorders office on October 28, 1992. " The closure cover integrity and inspection protocol of the cover was previously approved by DTSC in a Postclosure Permit on January 31, 1998. " The permitted area fence completely surrounds the facility and has warning signs posted at sufficient intervals to be visible from any approach. The evaporation basin is further secured by a chain-link fence with two locked gates. " Postclosure activities are carefully regulated to assure against the potential for any additional environmental concerns. Pursuance to DTSC authority, any new discoveries at the Facility will trigger an examination and evaluation of this notice of exemption (NOE) relative to the statutory and regulatory requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Any constituent release will trigger corrective action mechanisms such as Corrective Action Consent Agreement or Unilateral Correction Action Order, as well as evaluation of this NOE for CEQA compliance.

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