Sediment Removal at Cantua Creek and Harlan Drain Inlet (Milepost 133.67) at the California Aqueduct
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Water Resources
Document Title
Sediment Removal at Cantua Creek and Harlan Drain Inlet (Milepost 133.67) at the California Aqueduct
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Cantua Creek is an ephemeral creek that if not properly managed can allow flood waters to undermine the protection levees of the California Aqueduct (CA) compromising the integrity of the Aqueduct as well as inundate surrounding agricultural lands outside of USBR-owned (DWR managed) land and flood easements. It has been observed that unauthorized encroachments and structure have been created by adjacent landowners that will potentially disrupt the water flow to the appropriated areas.
A low flow channel will be constructed from the mouth of Cantua Creek (about 750-feet west of the CA protection levee) that will continue north along the CA protection levee and daylight just past the Harlan Drain Inlet (DI) milepost 133.67. From Cantua Creek at Harlan Avenue to a mile north to Cerini road and a mile south to Mt. Whitney vegetation along the embankment and in the flow channel's path will need to be cleared, excluding designated large shrub and woody areas, to allow for surveys and construction to be conducted in the area. The clearing will be done by a mower or CCC crews. An unauthorized berm to the north and parallel with the Aqueduct was created by an adjacent landowner on land that is within a designated flood easement. Up to 2,000-feet of the berm will be removed or lowered during the construction of the low flow channel in order to provide adequate freeboard for the protection levee. District staff will conduct a topographic survey to determine the volume of spoil to be removed (approximate estimated volume is about 3,700 cubic yards) and where the low flow channel will be located. The spoil will be placed in an area that has been approved by a biologist to avoid potential impacts most likely to be placed on top of the adjacent aqueduct protection levee. By maintaining this area, DWR can further protect water quality and water deliveries for downstream municipal and agricultural water uses.
Contact Information
Jim Thomas
Agency Name
California Department of Water Resources
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
This project will not result in impacts to any special status species. The project area does not support riparian or wetland habitat. No work will be conducted while there is water present. Because activity can be implemented without any significant environmental impacts, the Categorical Exemptions Class 1 (existing facilities) and 4 (minor alterations to land or maintenance) will be used for CEQA compliance.
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