Removal Action Workplan, Proposed South Region Span K-8 #1 (Site 15)


SCH Number
Public Agency
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Removal Action Workplan, Proposed South Region Span K-8 #1 (Site 15)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project involves approval of a Removal Action Workplan (RAW) by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) pursuant to Health and Safety Code, chapter 6.8, as submitted on February 25, 2008 by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). The RAW focuses on excavation and removal of soils impacted with elevated levels of arsenic, lead, chlordanes, 4,4-DDD, 4,4-DDE, 4,4-DDT, dieldrin, toxaphene and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) onsite. The purpose of the project is to mitigate impacted soils that exceed the project-specific human health risk criteria to minimize human exposure to the identified chemicals of concern (COCs). The estimated volume of impacted soils is 104 cubic yards or approximately 10 truckloads. The cleanup levels for these COCs are: DTSC soil screening level of 255 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) for lead at school sites, DTSC risk management level of 12 mg/kg for 4,4-DDD, 1.60 mg/kg for 4,4-DDE and 4,4-DDT, 0.035 mg/kg for dieldrin, 0.46 mg/kg for toxaphene, respectively in residential soils.

Contact Information

Mr. Tawfiq S. Deek
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Los Angeles
Other Location Info
1235 Broad Avenue, Wilmington

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
-The project is a cleanup action to be taken to prevent, minimize, stabilize, mitigate, or eliminate the release or threat of release of a hazardous waste or substance. -The project is a removal action costing $1 million or less. -The project will not be located on a site which is included on any list compiled pursuant to Cal. Gov. Code Sec. 65962.5 -The project will not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances. -The project will not result in damage to scenic resources, including but not limited to, trees, historic buildings, rock outcroppings, or similar resources, within a highway officially designated as a state scenic highway. -The project will not cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource. -The project will not require onsite use of a hazardous waste incinerator or thermal treatment unit. -The project will not require the relocation of residences or businesses. -The project will not involve the potential release into the air of volatile organic compounds as defined in Health and safety Code section 25123.6. -The cumulative impact of successive projects of the same type on the same place, over time, if there are any, will not be significant. -The project will be consistent with applicable State and local environmental permitting requirements including, but not limited to offsite disposal, and approved by the regulatory body with jurisdiction over the Site.

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