No Further Corrective Action Determination for Several Solid Waste Management Units and Areas of Concern at Advanced Environmental Inc. Fontana.
SCH Number
Public Agency
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
No Further Corrective Action Determination for Several Solid Waste Management Units and Areas of Concern at Advanced Environmental Inc. Fontana.
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project is to approve a "No Further Corrective Action Determination for several Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) and Areas of Concern" for AEI. These units include Western Tank Farm (SWMU-1), Southwestern Tank Farm (SWMU-2), Facility Sump Area (AOC-1), prior Soil Pile Area (AOC-2), and West Area Behind the Facility (AOC-3). AIE is a commercial hazardous waste management facility storing used oil, contaminated petroleum products, oily water, used antifreeze, used oil filters, and oily solids and antifreeze contaminated debris in tanks or drums. AEI then ship the consolidated wastes for offsite recycling or disposal facilities.
A RCRA Facility Assessment (RFA) was conducted in June 1993 ate the site and determined that hazardous waste constituents had released into soil. DTSC therefore required further investigation, including soil and groundwater samples to determine the extent of contamination. AEI closed a total of 76 tanks/equipment and petroleum hydrocarbons-contaminated asphalt/concrete, and took soil samples. Groundwater was not encountered during the investigation when drilling was made to the depth of 100 feet below ground surface. The depth to groundwater in the area has been reported to be 400 feet below ground surface. Metals such as lead, arsenic, chromium, and copper were detected. In addition to total petroleum hydrocarbons, trace amount of volatile organic compounds and semi-volatile organic compounds were detected. AEI prepared and submitted a health risk assessment (HRA) and a RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) Report to DTSC in 2005. The HRA concluded that that residual soil contamination does not pose any risk to onsite indoor and outdoor workers, and the soil vapor does not pose any risk to offsite residents. RFI concluded that the corrective action for the Western Tank Farm (SWMU-1), Southwestern Tank Farm (SWMU-2), Facility Sump Area (AOC-1), prior Soil Pile Arena (AOC-2), AND West Area behind the Facility (AOC-3) had been complete. The remaining areas will be investigated when AEI relocates, replaces or closes the tanks. DTSC has determined that the both RFI Report and HRA are technically complete and proposed no further corrective action for the above mentioned units and areas. The approval of no further action is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. Upon completion of the entire site closure, if the residual soil contamination does not meet residential land use, DTSC would evaluate the need for land use covenant to restrict the land use to industrial and commercial only.
Contact Information
Mohhinder S. Ahmad
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Bernardino
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Reasons for Exemption
The project involves no construction, soil disturbance. The site is not on Cortese List. The health risk assessment calculated that for the office worker exposure scenario, the total Cal/EPA RME (reasonable maximum exposure) cancer risk is 6 x 10^-7 for inhalation of indoor air. For the outdoor worker exposure scenario, Cal/EPA RME cancer risk is 1 x 10^-5 for all pathways based on the maximum soil and soil gas concentrations found in any sample. These risks are within the range of acceptable risks (1 x 10^-4 - 1 x 10^-6) often applied to industrial settings. For offsite residents, the air concentration would be substantially lower at the point of offsite residential exposure given that the risk for onsite workers is based on the maximum concentration found in any sample and that the dispersion in air will lower the concentration as the vapors move offsite. Therefore the risk to offsite residents will be acceptable. For non-cancer compounds, the HI (Hazard Index) was calculated. The RME HI values for the office worker and outdoor worker exposure scenarios are 0.02 and 0.2, respectively, based on the maximum concentration in any sample. Hazard indices, 0.02 and 0.2, are acceptable because that they are below the acceptable level of 1. The HRA concluded that Cal/EPA RME cancer risk and non-cancer hazard values are within the risk management range for industrial workers. There is no groundwater contamination, as the depth to groundwater is reported at 400 feet below ground.
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