Emergency Permit for Blue Diamond Growers to Treat Spent Aluminum and Magnesium Phosphide Pesticide Residues
SCH Number
Public Agency
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Emergency Permit for Blue Diamond Growers to Treat Spent Aluminum and Magnesium Phosphide Pesticide Residues
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Blue Diamond Growers (BDG) fumigates its nut products with pesticides containing the active ingredients aluminum phosphide and magnesium phosphide. These products come in several physical forms (pellets, pouches, chains, ropes, sachets, etc.) but the active ingredients are similar in each. The fumigation is conducted in enclosed structures such as warehouses, storage bins and silos; these structures are tightly sealed during the fumigation. When the fumigation is complete, the spent pesticide residues are removed from the warehouse, bin or silo.
The spent materials remaining after fumigation are then classified as wastes. The residues are allowed to "dry deactivate"; i.e., are allowed to be held in drums while most of the residual phosphine gas is released. When this process is complete, the residuals are then submerged in a solution of water and detergent and allowed to stand, stirring periodically, until no more phosphine gas is being produced. This phase is called "wet deactivation." While the above processes are not inconsistent with the applicable hazardous waste management requirements; clarifications are needed. It is essential that the pesticide residues be managed in compliance with all applicable regulations, as well as the technical guidelines specific to pesticides containing aluminum and magnesium phosphides.
Contact Information
Jan Smith
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Emergency Project
Type, Section or Code
Section 15269(b)(c)
Reasons for Exemption
1. DTSC determined that, for public safety reasons and to minimize exposure of the BDG employees and the public to the hazards posed by the partially-spent waste aluminum and magnesium phosphide pesticide residues, it is essential that BDG be able to, on an ongoing basis, immediately place these hazardous wastes into the deactivation treatment process.
2. The BDG facility is located in an industrial zone, that backs up to a large open-space area that includes the American River Parkway and the railroad tracks. There are no sensitive receptors nearby.
3. The emergency permit includes control measures in order to ensure that project impacts will be insignificant.
Expeditious management of the pesticide wastes at BDG is an essential part of the overall use of the fumigant. The conditions of the emergency permit will assure that the risks are minimized and that BDG manages the waste pesticide residues in accordance with the applicable hazardous waste management regulations.
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