Clean Harbors Los Angeles, LLC Class 1 Permit Modification
SCH Number
Public Agency
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Clean Harbors Los Angeles, LLC Class 1 Permit Modification
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Clean Harbors Los Angeles, LLC (Clean Harbors) been granted a Class I Permit Modification to their Hazardous Waste Facility's Permit. The Modification amends the facility's Emergency Contingency Plan by updating the emergency coordinators list. Clean Harbors is replacing one of its emergency coordinators because one of the employees designated as an emergency coordinator is no longer employed by the facility. The number of Emergency Coordinators listed in the Emergency Contingency Plan will remain the same (one primary and one alternate emergency coordinator). This modification will not change the contingency plan substantially.
Contact Information
Ricardo Gonzalez
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Los Angeles, Los Angeles, City of
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301
Reasons for Exemption
The permit modification is a minor change to the facility's Emergency Contingency Plan of the Part B permit application and will not have a significant effect on the environment. Below are the reasons supporting our conclusion:
1. The alternate emergency coordinator was replaced by another facility employee. The new alternate emergency coordinator has been with the facility for several years and is familiar with facility operations and contingency plan, and has been trained to respond to emergencies.
2. During operating hours one of the emergency coordinators is at the facility at all times or within a short distance from the facility.
3. During off hours, a security guard is at the facility. The security guard will notify appropriate authorities in case of a fire, spill, release or an emergency.
4. During off hours either the primary or alternate emergency coordinator will be able to get to the facility within 60 minutes. The modification will not substantially change the time for a responder to reach the facility.
5. The Fire Department, will be able to respond to an emergency within a short period of time, when necessary. There are two Fire Department stations within a mile from the facility which can respond to any fires, spills, releases, or emergencies. The designated fire station is in the City of Los Angeles just north-west from the facility; the alternate responding fire station is in the City of Vernon, just north-east from the facility.
6. The changes to the Emergency Coodinators will not reduce the ability of the facility to protect human health.
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