Burson Rehabilitation
5 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
California Department of Transportation, District 10
Document Title
Burson Rehabilitation
Document Type
NOD - Notice of Determination
Present Land Use
Residential Center/ Agriculture Preserve/ Single-Family Residential/ Rural Residential
Document Description
- Rehabilitate the pavement by sealing all cracks wider than 0.2 inch and placing a 2.36-inch rubberized asphalt concrete overlay on the existing roadway and shoulders.
- Place shoulder backing next to the new overlay in both directions over the entire length of the project to support the depth of the new overlay.
- Realign Pettinger Road to connect at a right angle to State Route 12. New right-of-way would be required at the southwest quadrant of the intersection.
- Widen SR-12 to provide a left-turn lane for westbound traffic. Shoulders would be widened from 4 feet to the standard 8 feet in both directions. This work would require additional right-of-way on both sides of the highway.
- Correct the corner sight distance at the Pettinger Road intersection by lowering the roadway. Ths would require about 20 feet of excavation at the knoll on SR-12 just east of the intersection. Shoulders would be widened from 4 feet to the standard 8 feet. Right-of-way of varying width would be required on both sides of the highway.
- Replace culvert headwalls with either concrete or pipe drainage inlets, or eliminate them by extending culverts beyond the clear recovery zone.
- Replace asphalt concrete dike to maintain adequate drainage capacity.
- Upgrade non-standard guardrail to meet current standards. The existing guardrail at the Bear Creek box culvert (post mile 8.47) would be reconstructed and reattached with new posts. No work would occur in the bed, bank, or channel, of Bear Creek.
- Install additional signs at the SR-12/Burson Road intersection.
- Replace damaged signs throughout the length of the project. This work would be done within existing right-of-way.
Contact Information
Scott Guidi
Agency Name
California Department of Transportation
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Cross Streets
Hillcrest Drive - Cedar Street
Other Location Info
Wallace/Burson/Valley Springs
Notice of Determination
Approving Agency
California Department of Transportation
Approving Agency Role
Lead Agency
Approved On
(1) The project will have a significant impact on the environment
(2a) An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2b) A Mitigated or a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2c) An other document type was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(3) Mitigated measures were made a condition of the approval of the project
(4) A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was adopted for this project
(5) A Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for this project
(6) Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
Disclaimer: The document was originally posted before CEQAnet had the capability to host attachments for the public. To obtain the original attachments for this document, please contact the lead agency at the contact information listed above.