Cattle Drive Trail Fuel Break - Phase 1
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Document Title
Cattle Drive Trail Fuel Break - Phase 1
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This project is to construct the first (easternmost) segment of a 300' to 400' wide shaded fuel break along a portion of the main ridge at the south edge of the South Fork Stanislaus River Canyon. Work will be performed by hand crws using chainsaws and other appropriate hand tools. Heavy equipment will not be used. No work will be performed within 100' of any structure. Vegetation to be retained will include the largest, most fire resistant trees and shrubs available. Target spacing between the live crowns of retained trees and shrubs will be a minimum of one crown width. Vegetation will be spaced so that sufficient quantities of fire retardant can be properly applied during air attack operations. Trees up to 16" dbh may be cut. Retained trees and shrubs will be pruned flush with main stem to a minimum height of 6' (higher if feasible). All cut vegetation will be piled and burned. Piling will be done in such a manner as to facilitate safe and complete burning and to minimize scorching of residual vegetation during burning. Burning will be conducted in accordance with all applicable regulations during weather conditions that are safe for burning. No slash or debris will be allowed to enter the Tuolumne Water Ditch.
Contact Information
Alan Peters
Agency Name
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15304
Reasons for Exemption
A check of DFG's Natural Diversity Database (NDDB) did not reveal the presence of any listed species of plants or animals likely to be negatively impacted by this project. Manual cutting and piling of vegetation is exempt from CDF's archaeological survey requirements. A confidential archaeological survey and report and implementation of required protection measures will ensure protection of cultural resources from pile burning. Burning will be conducted in accordance with all applicable regulations during weather conditions that are safe for burning. No slash or debris will be allowed to enter the Tuolumne Water Ditch.
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