Removal Action Workplan for World Radiator and Air Conditioning Site


SCH Number
Public Agency
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Removal Action Workplan for World Radiator and Air Conditioning Site
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project is the approval of a Removal Action Workplan (RAW) prepared to address metals (antimony, arsenic and lead) affected soils found at the World Radiator and Air Conditioning Site (Site). Investigations at the Site found metals at concentrations above the risk-based cleanup levels and are pervasive across the site in the top one foot. The majority of the contamination is found in the upper three feet of soil in most areas ofthe Site, but it has been found to depths of six feet. Elevated metals were found in soil (less than one foot below ground surface) on adjacent property north of the World Radiator along the fence line. The Site is currently zoned for industrial land use, therefore, the RAW proposed to cleanup the World Radiator Property appropriate for commercial/industrial uses and the areas outside the World Radiator Property to unrestricted residential standards. The volume of soil proposed for removal is approximately 400 cubic yards. Confirmation soil samples will be collected to verify that the removal action has met the cleanup levels. After the excavation is completed, the Site will be backfilled with clean soil. The soil removal action will take about 45 working days to be completed. Groundwater will be monitored for two years to confirm effectiveness of the removal action have on the quality of the groundwater at the Site. At the end of the two years, groundwater data will be evaluated. If groundwater exceeds drinking water maximum contaminant levels (MCL's) or background concentrations for the three contaminants, additional measures wil need to be taken at the Site. However, removal of contaminated soil would eliminate the source of the contamination and would improve groundwater quality at the Site. Groundwater levels at the Site increase about 10 feet during the rainy season thus resulting groundwater to be in contact with the contaminated soils. Excavated soils will be transported by trucks to an offsite hazardous waste disposal facility. A transportation plan will be developed prior to starting the removal action. The plan will require trucks trasnporting excavated soil to the offsite disposal facility to cover their trailer with a tarp prior to leaving the Site. The plan will include routes that will be used by trucks to haul excavated soil. The Site will be secured during the implementation of the removal action. Permanent and temporary fencing will be used to prevent unauthorized entry to the Site. During the excavation of contaminated soil, polyethylene plastic sheeting will be fastened on the fence to prevent airborne dust from reaching the residential area.

Contact Information

Thomas Tse
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency



Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Section 15061
Reasons for Exemption
With certainty, no possibility of a significant effect on the environment.

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