Sewage Treatment/Water Reuse Facility Program
4 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
City of Clovis
Document Title
Sewage Treatment/Water Reuse Facility Program
Document Type
NOD - Notice of Determination
Present Land Use
ST/WRF Site: Agriculture / AE-20 / Agriculture (Fresno County GP), Business Campus (Clovis GP and Southeast Urban Center Specific Plan
Document Description
The City intends to construct and operate a ST/WRF that would provide an alternative solution to its current sewage (wastewater) treatment services capabilities. The City currently maintains an agreement with the City of Fresno to convey its wastewater to the Fresno-Clovis RWTP, a secondary wastewater treatment facility located in southwest Fresno approximately 19 miles from Clovis' city center.
The City's proposed ST/WRF Program (proposed project) includes construction and operation of three primary components: the ST/WRF, wastewater collection facilities (pipelines and pump stations), and recycled water distribution facilities (pipelines, pump stations, storage facilities). The project study area includes the ST/WRF site, sewer pump station site, recycled water booster pump station sites, 6-day storage basin site, pipeline alignments, and recycled water discharge locations at Fancher Creek and the Big Dry Creek Diversion Channel to Little Dry Creek.
The proposed ST/WRF Program also includes general plan and specific plan amendments of the ST/WRF site and pump station sites to "Public Facility," prezoning of the ST/WRF site and pump station sites to "P-F" (Public Facility), and annexation of the ST/WRF site and pump station sites to Clovis. There are pump stations associated with both the wastewater collection and recycled water distribution facilities.
The ST/WRF Program would treat and reuse or dispose of wastewater generated The ST/WRF Program would treat and reuse or dispose of wastewater generated from the Northwest, Northeast, and Southeast Specific Plan areas (the three new growth areas identified in the Clovis General Plan [City of Clovis 1993]) through 2030 and beyond. The raw wastewater flowing into the ST/WRF is called influent, and the treated product pumped out of the ST/WRF is called effluent. Once it leaves the ST/WRF, this "recycled water" would be distributed through pumps and pipelines for irrigation.
Wastewater would be collected through existing and proposed sewer trun lines (sewer pipelines 12 inches or more in diameter) to Pump Station E (at the Ashlan Avenue/Leonard Avenue intersection), which is approved, and planned for construction in 2005 and operation in 2006. In the early years of ST/WRF operation, tributary wastewater flows would be lower than desirable for efficient ST/WRF operation. Therefore, beginning in 2008, proposed Pump Station B just south of the Ashlan Avenue/Fowler Avenue intersection would pump supplementary wastewater, which would normally go to the Fresno-Clovis RWTP via the Fowler Avenue Trunk Sewer, at a rate of up to 1.6 mgd. After 2008, from Pump Station E, the wastewater would be pumped east from Pump Station E through the proposed dual force main system in Ashlan Avenue to the ST/WRF.
The ST/WRF would produce Disinfected Tertiary-Treated Water, which is the highest grade of recycled water described in the Title 22 Water Recycling Criteria, as defined in 22 CCR 60301.230 California Department of Health Services 2001.
From the ST/WRF, the recycled water would be distributed through 30- and 36-inch diameter transmission mains to a system of smaller recycled water pipelines (also known as "purple pipes") throughout the Clovis sphere of influence. Excess recycled water would be discharged to Fancher Creek to the south or to the Big Dry Creek Diversion Channel to Little Dry Creek to the north.
The ST/WRF Program would be constructed and operated in three phases to accommodate growth. The ST/WRF would begin operating at a capacity of 2.8 mgd in 2008 and have an ultimate capacity of 8.4 mgd in 2026. These flow rates represent the amount of wastewater collected and treated, as well as the amount of recycled water generated, because relatively little volume is lost during the treatment process. Construction of the ST/WRF, wastewater collection facilities underneath existing streets, and recycled water distribution main transmission lines would be required for Phase 1. The ST/WRF plant would require internal construction upgrades to accommodate the additional capacity during Phases 2 and 3. The wastewater collection pipelines in undeveloped areas where the currently are no existing roadways would be installed in response to future development at the time the new roadways are constructed. The additional smaller recycled water distribution lines would be installed as future users are identified.
Contact Information
David E. Fey
Agency Name
City of Clovis
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Cross Streets
Ashlan Avenue, Thompson Avenue
Total Acres
Parcel #
571-010-22, 21
State Highways
Reagan Education Center
Fancher Creek, Big Dry Creek Diversion Channel to Little Dry Creek
18, 19
Round Mt
Notice of Determination
Approving Agency
City of Clovis
Approving Agency Role
Lead Agency
Approved On
(1) The project will have a significant impact on the environment
(2a) An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2b) A Mitigated or a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2c) An other document type was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(3) Mitigated measures were made a condition of the approval of the project
(4) A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was adopted for this project
(5) A Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for this project
(6) Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
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