Onyx Environmental Services L.L.C., Azusa Facility, Class 1 Permit Modification, Modification #29 & #30
SCH Number
Public Agency
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Onyx Environmental Services L.L.C., Azusa Facility, Class 1 Permit Modification, Modification #29 & #30
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Onyx Environmental Services L.L.C. Azusa Facility has requested a Class 1 Permit Modification to their Hazardous Waste Facility Permit (Permit). The modification consists of the following changes: 1) An administrative change of personnel and phone number to the Contingency Plan; 2) Addition of state waste code 792 to the permit; 3) A change of state waste code 371 to state waste code 271 to the Waste Analysis Plan (WAP), due to a typographical error; 4) Replacement of a can crusher unit with an equivalent model; 5) A waiver to the WAP which will remove the requirement for a Heat Value (BTU/lb) analysis for waste if a percent water analysis or the waste profile composition indicates the water content to be at or above 50%.
Contact Information
Steve Rounds
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sec 15301
Reasons for Exemption
Minor modification to the facility permit and would not have a significant effect on the environment.
1) The administrative change, which is due to the reassignment of responsibilities, will not result in an operational change at the facility.
2) The active Permit authorizes the facility to accept EPA waste codes D002 (corrosive waste), D004 (arsenic), D005 (barium), D006 (cadmium), D007 (chromium), D008 (lead), D009 (mercury), D010 (selenium), and D011 (silver). The Permit also authorizes the facility to accept state waste code 792 (liquids with pH<2 with metals) does not change the type or composition of wastes accepted at the facility. The addition of state waste code 792 will not result in an increased capacity nor change in the facility operations. The treatment of certain concentrations of metals in the wastewater treatment system will not result in an increased capacity nor change the facility operations. The treatment process, waste management practices, or standards currently being practiced at the facility will not change.
3. The change of state waste codes is a typographical error only. The facility is approved to accept code 271 (371 does not exist). The addition of state waste code 271 will not result in an increased capacity nor change in the facility operations.
4. The replacement of the can crusher with a functionally equivalent model is an upgrade of equipment only. The replacement will not result in an increased capacity nor change in the facility operations.
5. The waiver to the WAP does not change any treatment process nor does it affect the waste management practices or standards currently being practiced at the facility. The facility will analyze the waste by removing the water component of the waste and then analyzing the organic component of the waste for heat content. This procedure is more practical from the standpoint that the equipment used to analyze heat content is not designed to accept wastes with a high water (greater than 50% water) component. This procedure still determines the heat content of the waste while providing the facility with a more efficient analysis method. The waiver to the WAP will not result in an increased capacity nor change in the facility operations.
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