Conditional Water Quality Certification for U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's Regional General Permit 63 for Repair & Production Activities in Emergency Situations
SCH Number
Public Agency
Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Sacramento
Document Title
Conditional Water Quality Certification for U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's Regional General Permit 63 for Repair & Production Activities in Emergency Situations
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Water Quality Certification of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' (Corps) Regional General Permit (RGP) for Repair and Protection Activities in Emergency Situations. Under Clean Water Act (CWA) section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, the Corps issues permits to regulate discharges of dredged or fill material to waters of the United States. RGP 63 will provide an expedited response to public agencies and private parties for necessary repair and protection measures which require fill activities in waters of the United States, including wetlands, where there is an imminent threat to life or property.
Contact Information
Marla Lafer
Agency Name
Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley),
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Section 15269
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