Tuesday, February 24, 2015
- Received Date
- 2015-02-24
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37 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2015012035 | MND | Placer County | Morgan Knolls Residential Development (PSUB 20130316) | |
2015028325 | NOE | Morongo Unified School District | Installation of Solar Arrays at Existing MUSD Parking Facilities - Palm Vista Elementary School | |
2015028331 | NOE | Morongo Unified School District | Installation of Solar Arrays at Existing MUSD Parking Facilities | |
2015028328 | NOE | Morongo Unified School District | Installation of Solar Arrays at Existing MUSD Parking Facilities - Yucca Valley Elementary School | |
2015028319 | NOE | Morongo Unified School District | Installation of Solar Arrays at Existing MUSD Parking Facilities - Friendly Hills Elementary School | |
2015021077 | MND | Irvine Unified School District | Maintenance and Operation Yard Expansion and Modernization | |
2015028339 | NOE | Yuba County Water Agency | Narrows 2 Isolation Pool Restoration | |
2015028322 | NOE | Morongo Unified School District | Installation of Solar Arrays at Existing MUSD Parking Facilities - Morongo Valley Elementary School | |
2015028326 | NOE | Morongo Unified School District | Installation of Solar Arrays at Existing MUSD Parking Facilities - Twentynine Palms Elementary School | |
2015022077 | MND | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Redding | Pacific Coast Producers Inc. Palermo Land Application Area Expansion | |
2015028323 | NOE | Morongo Unified School District | Installation of Solar Arrays at Existing MUSD Parking Facilities - Oasis Elementary School | |
2015021081 | MND | City of Murrieta | 63 Jefferson Project | |
2015028320 | NOE | Morongo Unified School District | Installation of Solar Arrays at Existing MUSD Parking Facilities - Joshua Tree Elementary School | |
2015028334 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 4 | Reconstruct AC Pavement, Repair Drainage and AC Digouts - 3J780 / 0415000198 | |
2015021075 | MND | City of Costa Mesa | Trumark Homes Project at 1239 Victoria | |
2015028340 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 4 | Repair and Cleanout Three Existng Culverts - 1J050 / 0414000139 | |
2015028337 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA) 2015 Dust Control Project | |
2015021072 | NEG | City of Los Angeles | ENV-2014-3497-ND / 1172 W. 8th Place | |
2015028318 | NOE | Morongo Unified School District | Installation of Solar Arrays at Existing MUSD Parking Facilities - Condor Elementary School | |
2015028341 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland | 140 Riviera Circle New Dock and Gangway | |
2015021076 | MND | California State University Board of Trustees | San Diego State University Engineering and Interdisciplinary Sciences Building Project | |
2015021073 | MND | City of Los Angeles | ENV-2014-3156-MND / 5036 W. Rosewood Avenue | |
2015028338 | NOE | California Highway Patrol (CHP) | Explosives Routes and Stopping Places | |
2015028335 | NOE | City of Big Bear Lake | Stanfield Stormdrain | |
2015028321 | NOE | Morongo Unified School District | Installation of Solar Arrays at Existing MUSD Parking Facilities - Landers Elementary School | |
2015028332 | NOE | Morongo Unified School District | Installation of Solar Arrays at Existing MUSD Parking Facilities - Yucca Valley High School | |
2005051143 | NOD | Los Angeles County | Agreement to Construct Magic Mountain Pipeline Phases 4-6 | |
2015028329 | NOE | Morongo Unified School District | Installation of Solar Arrays at Existing MUSD Parking Facilities - La Contenta Middle School | |
2015028333 | NOE | American River Flood Control District | Routine Maintenance for the Calendar Year 2015 | |
2010092080 | EIR | City and County of San Francisco | Academy of Art University Project | |
2015021074 | NOP | City of Hawthorne | Downtown Hawthorne Specific Plan | |
2015028330 | NOE | Morongo Unified School District | Installation of Solar Arrays at Existing MUSD Parking Facilities - Twentynine Palms Junior High School | |
2015028336 | NOE | California Energy Commission | Sacramento Regional TakeCharge Plan Implementation: Grocery Store Fast Charge Pilot | |
2014121007 | NOD | San Luis Obispo County | Burhenn Grading Permit; PMT2014-00299 | |
2015028327 | NOE | Morongo Unified School District | Installation of Solar Arrays at Existing MUSD Parking Facilities - Yucca Mesa Elementary School | |
2015028324 | NOE | Morongo Unified School District | Installation of Solar Arrays at Existing MUSD Parking Facilities - Onaga Elementary School | |
1995011015 | NOD | Los Angeles County | Agreement to Construct Magic Mountain Pipeline Phases 4-6 |