Permit 1162-1 : Andreotti Et. Al. Pipe Replacement Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Central Valley Flood Protection Board
Document Title
Permit 1162-1 : Andreotti Et. Al. Pipe Replacement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
To authorize the in-kind removal and replacement of two parallel 18-inch diameter steel irrigation pipes from the left (east) bank levee crown of the Sacramento River. The work was done under an emergency in December 2019. Additionally, to remove and replace in-kind the remaining two 18-inch diameter steel pipes from the waterside and landside levee slopes and the waterside berm.
Contact Information
Jennifer Stewart
Agency Name
Central Valley Flood Protection Bd
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
Andreotti Et. Al.
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Other Location Info
The project is located approximately 0.46 miles southwest from the intersection of S. Meridian Road and S. Drexler Road in Sutter County
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, 15302
Reasons for Exemption
Board staff has determined the project is exempt from CEQA under the Class 1, Existing Facilities, and Class 2, Replacement or Reconstruction categorical exemptions (CEQA Guidelines §15301 and §15302) because the activity involves the permitting of the following existing facilities: two parallel 18-inch diameter steel irrigation pipes from the left (east) bank levee crown of the Sacramento River. In addition, the proposed activity consists of removal and replacement of two additional damaged 18-inch diameter irrigation supply pipes. The replacement pipes will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the existing irrigation supply pipes, and the project involves negligible expansion of an existing use. Further, none of the exceptions to the exemption in CEQA Guidelines § 15300.2 apply.