Mariposa Creek Parkway Acquisition Project (SNC 1182-LC)


SCH Number
Public Agency
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Document Title
Mariposa Creek Parkway Acquisition Project (SNC 1182-LC)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This fee-title project will allow the County of Mariposa to purchase two contiguous properties and expand (85.5 acres) the Mariposa Creek Parkway. The Mariposa Creek Parkway Expansion is a community resiliency project that will add trails and public access to downtown Mariposa. The project will increase public access and allow the County to manage the area for recreation, fuels, wildlife, and riparian health. This project will preserve the rural character of the town of Mariposa as well as protect and restore a section of Mariposa Creek.

Contact Information

Jamie Sammut
Agency Name
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Agency Name
Mariposa County
Contact Types
Project Applicant


Other Location Info
The subject properties are located along both banks of Mariposa Creek on the SE side of downtown Mariposa, 1 /8 mi. from Mariposa County Park. One property straddles Mariposa Creek and continues SW up an east facing slope to the ridgeline. The other property borders 8th Street in downtown Mariposa.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The project is a Transfer of Ownership of Interest In Land to Preserve Existing Natural Conditions and Historical Resources. There are multiple purposes to protecting the public park, including increasing public access and community engagement at a variety of community events, and it also promotes non-motorized transportation routes on the network of trails. There will be no change to the primary land use and no physical alterations to the environment.
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