Coleman Creek Storm Drain Improvements

2 Documents in Project


SCH Number
Lead Agency
City of Rohnert Park
Document Title
Coleman Creek Storm Drain Improvements
Document Type
NEG - Negative Declaration
Present Land Use
Z: Open Space- Environmental Conservation GP: Parks
Document Description
The City of Rohnert Park proposes to build the storm drain to help alleviate flooding along Gavin Way, reduce siltation of the existing storm drain outlets, and help prevent stormwater from entering streets and private properties. The project is included in the City's Capital Improvements Plan 2005-2010 (CIP# OF-29). The project consists of sealing existing drop-inlets in the intersections of Gavin Way and Garret Court and Gavin Way and Georgia Court and extending the City's existing 48-inch storm drain so that it discharges approximately 700 feet downstream in Coleman Creek. The project also includes a new outfall structure at the discharge point in Coleman Creek.

Contact Information

Darrin Jenkins
Agency Name
City of Rohnert Park
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Rohnert Park
Cross Streets
Golf Course Drive and Gavin Way (southwest corner of Golis Park)
Parcel #
State Highways
US 101
Gold Ridge Elem
Coleman Creek

Notice of Completion

State Review Period Start
State Review Period End
State Reviewing Agencies
California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT), California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region 1 (RWQCB), California State Lands Commission (SLC), Department of Water Resources, Office of Historic Preservation, Resources Agency, State Water Resources Control Board, Divison of Financial Assistance, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Bay Delta Region 3 (CDFW)
State Reviewing Agency Comments
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Bay Delta Region 3 (CDFW)
Development Types
Other (Storm Drain Improvements)
Local Actions
Public Works Project
Project Issues
Aesthetics, Agriculture and Forestry Resources, Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Cumulative Effects, Drainage/Absorption, Flood Plain/Flooding, Geology/Soils, Growth Inducement, Hazards & Hazardous Materials, Hydrology/Water Quality, Land Use/Planning, Mineral Resources, Noise, Public Services, Recreation, Schools/Universities, Transportation, Vegetation, Wetland/Riparian, Wildfire, Wildlife

Disclaimer: The document was originally posted before CEQAnet had the capability to host attachments for the public. To obtain the original attachments for this document, please contact the lead agency at the contact information listed above.

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