RH Phillips Vineyard and Winery Expansion

2 Documents in Project


SCH Number
Lead Agency
Yolo County
Document Title
RH Phillips Vineyard and Winery Expansion
Document Type
NOD - Notice of Determination
Present Land Use
The proposed project site is designated by the Yolo County General Plan as Agricultural (AG). The adjacent land use designation is Agricultural. The project site is zoned Agricultural Preserve (AP), and adjancent zoning to the site is Agricultural Preserve.
Document Description
Phase 1 - Install 4-100,000 gallon stainless steel wine storage/blending tanks - Install new stainless steel wine storage/fermentation tanks in existing barrel work area - Develop new grape receiving traffic circulation and staging area - Expand existing grape receiving area - Convert 8,000 sf of existing warehouse space to office use - Construct new 16,500 sf barrel work area - Construct new 6,000 sf canopy covered barrel work/vehicle circulation area - Construct 1,500 sf lab expansion over existing employee break room - Construct 6,000 sf administration building - Develop new employee parking facilities adjacent to proposed administration building - Construct 2 new 50,000 sf barrel storage buildings (total 100,000 sf) - Develop new vehicle access from the intersection of County Roads 12A and 87 to the existing receiving area Phase 2 - Develop a new crossing of S. Fork Oat Creek, abutment to be located outside of the existing channel - Relocate employee parking to north side of S. Fork Oat Creek from existing mechanical area - Install two-200,000 gallon stainless steel wine storage/blending tanks - Develop 25,000 sf of wine fermentation/storage tanks east of existing facility - Develop new grape delivery access from County Road 12A - Construct new truck scale with scale house - Construct new sugar testing station - Construct 7,000 sf mechanical area expansion Phase 3 - Develop new visitor parking adjacent proposed visitor facilities - Construct a new 8,000 sf commercial kitchen and adjacent courtyard with the intent of initial service with a full service restaurant the ultimate goal - Construct a 500 seat amphitheater for cultural and entertainment events - Construct two 50,000 sf barrel storage buildings - Construct 24,000 sf winemaking office - Develop 61,000 sf area for stainless steel wine storage/fermentation tanks

Contact Information

Linda Caruso
Agency Name
Yolo County Planning & Public Works Department
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Cross Streets
County Roads 12A and 87
Total Acres
State Highways
South Fork Oat Creek
Other Location Info
City: Esparto Address: 26836 County Road 12A
Other Information
Total Acres: to be developed on 252-acre parcel.

Notice of Determination

Approving Agency
Yolo County Planning Commission
Approving Agency Role
Lead Agency
Approved On


(1) The project will have a significant impact on the environment
(2a) An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2b) A Mitigated or a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2c) An other document type was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(3) Mitigated measures were made a condition of the approval of the project
(4) A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was adopted for this project
(5) A Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for this project
(6) Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA

Disclaimer: The document was originally posted before CEQAnet had the capability to host attachments for the public. To obtain the original attachments for this document, please contact the lead agency at the contact information listed above.

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